17 May 2020

The Idea Would Sell

NYC has had significantly more and worse Wu Ping Cough than Florida.

It also appears that US Patient Zero was in NYC and nearly all cases stem from here to the rest of the nation.

Florida is starting to open back up, except for the Democrat strongholds in the southeast.

One key point to our success appears to have been making it slightly more difficult in fact for someone from infection hot-spots such as New York or New Orleans to enter the state freely.

We didn't actually turn New Yorkers back, we just "made" them promise, on their honor, to self-quarantine for two weeks once they'd landed at their Florida destination.

Interestingly, this cursory check DID discourage people from coming to Florida to flee their disease ridden homes.

Looking around I can see that the lack of fresh New Yawkers is giving people ideas about maybe making the checkpoints permanent and putting some real legal barriers in place.

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