25 May 2020

It's Obvious When You Look At It

If it's OK for Wal Mart to be open limited hours instead of being open 24/7, thus compressing their entire business day into half the hours and condensing the customers to an effective doubling of density...

It was always OK for everyone else to stay open too unless there was something about the service provided that required close contact between the staff and customers.

That's starting to really piss me off.  I was just irritated before.


  1. isn't it amazing that Walmart clerks aren't dying in droves? selective virus, hmmmm.

    1. Willard works at Wal Mart, he says, "You'll have to kill me before *I* die!"

  2. Stores limiting their hours was based on the fact that they needed down time to restock. Other than that, yes, many,many,many other businesses should have been open and quite frankly, none of them should have ever closed.

    1. Wal Mart's 24/7 model uses continuous restocking with a surge in the overnight hours when it was slower.

      That argument never held water and I was surprised to see them try and use it.

      There was also an assertion that they were doing extra sanitizing. The employees said they weren't doing any extra cleaning...

  3. It's just being cheap. Fewer people out and about shopping, they can save money by cutting work hours. For a store like Walmart, as noted, they will probably sell about the same amount of product even if they are only open limited hours. As long as the competition is also closed, they probably aren't losing much. I noticed the same thing with grocery stores here when Albertson's closed all their stores in the area and Randall's (Safeway) closed several. The market dominant H-E-B chain reduced the hours at most of their stores (used to be several that were open 24 hours) and raised their prices. With all their direct competitors open fewer hours they didn't need to be open more.

    A lot of businesses are just using this whole Wu Ping Cough nonsense as an excuse to do things they would normally get push back on.


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