04 May 2020

Lunar Distractions

Took these last night before I realized that the AC was locked up.

Ran these more exposed for FuzzyGeff who asked for one less dark.
Canon M50, EF 75-300mm USM, f/11, 1/25", 300mm, ISO 100
Canon M50, EF-S 55-250mm, f/11, 1/25", 250mm ISO 100

The next two were just to compare the EF-S 55-250mm on the M50 to the max optical zoom on the SX20.  Then cropping them both to as close to 1000x1000 as I could get.
Canon M50, EF-S 55-250mm, f/10, 1/80", 250mm, ISO 100, Cropped
Canon Powershot SX20 IS, f/8, 1/80", 100mm, ISO 80, Cropped


  1. You're clearly getting much better at this.

    Those look like publication quality.


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