14 May 2020

Casting More Doubt

A friend works in forensics at one of the nearby county sheriff departments.

He mentions that the medical examiner cannot have tested every single "COVID" death just because the case load is too high and the labs cannot have worked through them this quickly.

Cause of death, without such investigation, is the informed opinion of the attending physician on the death certificate.

Which is basically, "sure seemed to be wu ping cough what killed them."

It also means that it could very well be something else with the same overt symptoms knocking their comorbidity over the line into the abyss.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the insurance companies are loving this. I heard about a fellow who had stage 4 lung cancer. He had a life insurance policy that had a cancer clause, but the death certificate says he died of the Chinese flu. So, his family cannot collect on the policy.


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