07 November 2017

Again It's Not A Gun Problem

Link to the New York (spit) Fucking Times.

SHITSTAIN had been confined to and, briefly, escaped from a mental institution.

But note some important details here...
The report filed by the El Paso officers says that the person who reported SHITSTAIN missing from the hospital advised them that he “suffered from mental disorders,” and that he “was attempting to carry out death threats” against “his military chain of command.” The man “was a danger to himself and others as he had already been caught sneaking firearms onto Holloman Air Force Base,” it added.
Death threats.

Actual material activities to carry out those threats.

Mental disorders and it appears involuntary admission to the facility he escaped from.  Adjudicated perhaps?  Adjudicated enough to be disqualifying?

This is a person who needed to be prevented from buying guns and there are laws in place that made it illegal for him to own them.

It's not the law-abiding gun owner who failed here.

It was government failing, again, to do the job we delegated to it.


  1. It is the New York Times and Taco Stand since that Mexican Cell Phone magnate bought it. Carlos Slim is the one who got the fat contract for the Obama phone... "free" phones for the masses and stuff.

  2. That it is, but it's still "OUR" fault for now kowtowing to the left... sigh


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