30 May 2018

Channeling Erin

Erin wrote:

If you think the NFL was right to dump Kaepernick but ABC was wrong to dump Roseanne, you're likely a conservative who doesn't understand business decisions.

If you think ABC was right to dump Roseanne but the NFL was wrong to dump Kaepernick, you're likely a progressive who doesn't understand business decisions.

In either case, you're a hypocrite.

 If you think it was wrong for Roseanne to say, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.” about Valarie Jarrett and she deserved to be fired but it's OK for Bill Mahr to call President Trump part orangutan and retain his job:  You're a hypocrite.


  1. Or, if you think the Colin was a second-rate player who just didn't produce enough positive stats to cover all his negative stats, and that was why the NFL fired him but then screwed the pooch afterwards in their mismanagement of the whole Kneeling thingymabob, and you see ABC's cancelling of Roseanne as a way to capitalize on the wallets of the leftists and SJWs, then you have some sound business savvy.

  2. And Michelle Wolf's comments about Sarah Sanders is comedy.

  3. What if you don't give two sh*ts about Colin or Roseanne? He was a one-season wonder in the NFL - happens all the time - and then became exactly what Andrew Wetzel says.

    What I thought about “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.” was that even with that foam-ape-face-makeup on, Helena Bonham Carter is prettier than Valerie Jarret.

    1. That just means you have impeccable taste!

      I think the real reason Colin did his little protest was to keep from being let go for failure to perform. To make himself untouchable by way of a claim of retaliation for his political views.

      A Muslim plus Planet of the Apes being racist? The apes in Planet of the Apes have taken over the planet in the novel and three different film series. So the Muslim had sex with a non-human top of the food chain sophant? Or is it the implication she's half Muslim that's the issue?

    2. Yeah, Colin wasn't even good enough to be Tebow'ed.

      As to the whole animal thing, wasn't Trump called an orange orangutan and other not nice things but that 'comedian'(who used to have women feel him up to find out what he'd stuffed down his pants) wasn't fired.

      Yes, the tweet was stupid, and not-so-nice. But then again, that pretty much describes about most of the politicians and bureaucrats we've had lately. Including VJ, BHO, HRC, etc, eieio.

      Double standard much?


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