30 May 2020

Damn The Media Be Supid

The attack on CNN's headquarters is a white nationalist psyop?

A cop in Minneapolis appears to have killed a black man.

Why on earth would white supremacists do anything but celebrate?

I don't think the media understands how the racist mind operates.

Of course, the media not understanding something is nothing new.


  1. They blame everything on either "white supremacists" or neo-Nazis. Remember the DC Snipers? The Goodthinkful Ones said that it was, for sure, evil white supremacists. Did they get embarrassed when they turned out to be wrong? No.

  2. And they attacked the College Football Hall of Fame, which is all about the people the rioters are supposed to be supporting.

    Which, of course, means all of this isn't about race relations at all.


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