16 March 2022

Dear LGBTQ Community

You are a vanishingly small minority.

While I am big on minorities getting all the same rights as everyone else, there's an aspect of reality that's a hard number.

The very word, "minority".

What it means is you need help from the majority to have your demands stick.

It means if you boycott a business, if the majority keeps shopping there, your demands can be safely ignored.

Gun owners know about this when we boycott a business too.  We're actually a majority of customers, but we're difficult to bring that whole mass to bear; but when we do...  Ask McDonald's in 1993.  Burger King, who stayed out of politics, thanked Mac Shack for the boost.

But Disney advocate(d?) against gun ownership and bans firearms from its parks.  So many of us don't go there.  Let Disney burn, says I.

But now the LGBTQ community is threatening Disney because Disney has noticed that being political is affecting the bottom line negatively and Disney wants to exit politics that have nothing to do with making movies, videos and running theme parks.

Write that down.  The furor is that Disney is exiting political advocacy, not that it's decided to advocate against the LGBTQ community.

Talk about an "all or nothing" and "if you're not explicitly with us, you're against us" position for the LGBTQ community to make.

Why would Disney do this?  I mentioned it.  Because it's affecting the bottom line.

Gun owners alone weren't enough to change the conceal carry policies at the parks, but we're staying home or going to the competition.

Gun owners aren't the only group doing this and it's adding up.

It probably wouldn't have added up, but the LGTBQ community decided that it needed MORE rights than everyone else and alienated a lot of the people in the majority who would otherwise have remained supporters.  In some instances pushed it far enough that those former supporters have become opponents.

A minority doesn't get anywhere by themselves, they need the majority to sympathize and support their cause or they are marginalized and become second class citizens.

Well, a minority that doesn't own the military and all the guns...  But that's not the USA.

The ball is in your court, LGBTQ community.  What you should have done is taken the win and returned to being your normal selves.  What you did was to do what the people I thought were intolerant religious zealots and nut cases said you would.  Began advocating for children to be exposed and indoctrinated as LGBTQ.  Advocating that exposure and indoctrination happen younger and younger.  Adopting teaching strategies that made NAMBLA seem stodgy and conservative.

You moved to normalize grooming and child molestation.

The majority doesn't agree.  So where you go, they no longer follow.


  1. Unfortunately for them, the gay community is in thrall to leadership that fears that becoming "normal" will put them out of jobs. Hence, the endless pushing of the boundaries. Back in the day, I said that the gays could get everything they said they wanted out of marriage if they could only compromise on the word "marriage." There's precedent for this---in the days of Charles II, although Quakers were among the most law-abiding, peaceful people in Britain, they clogged the jails, because they would not swear oaths. Which meant that when they were called into court to testify, they'd refuse to swear to tell the truth...which was seen as contempt of court, so off to jail they went. This pleased nobody, so a compromise was brokered where Quakers and others would "affirm" that they were telling the truth, and all was coolness. In the SCA, some people who've been raised to the Chivalry can't swear fealty to the Crown for various reasons (religious and otherwise) so they "affirm" and they're referred to as Masters/Mistresses of Arms, and wear slightly different regalia.

    But the gays' leadership refused to compromise. Between a fetish for "equality, equality, uber alles" and badly-written, over-broad civil rights laws, they ended up stuffing "gay marriage" down the throats of the people. And, about five minutes after they got what they wanted, despite pinky-swearing a hundred times that it would only affect them and others need not even notice, they were on the prowl for anybody who did not want to provide venues or services for their "weddings," and suing them, doxxing them on Twitter (GOD, I hate Twitter!) and making their lives a misery.

    Now, with "Trans women are WOMEN! They should be let compete in women's sports, and should be treated as women by the correctional system! Surgical status means NOTHING!" I think they may have finally pushed too far. I wouldn't be surprised to see a huge backlash against them (there's a lot of resentment still about AIDS, just for starters) and I won't feel one bit sorry for them. They brought it down on their own stupid heads.

  2. Now, Disney has some defunct theme park areas... And we gunnies always need places to shoot... And Disney is rather good at making decent attractions...

    Oh, Disney, can't you just make Mickey's Gun Ranch? Please???

    And I agree with you, they lost a lot of trade from South and Central America by pushing the Gay Pride thing.

  3. These folks want to do freely what the Maxwell women was tried for. At least she was dealing with teenagers, these folks want to groom 5 year olds. Wonder what the ratio of trans boys, versus trans girls the school system grooms?

  4. Don't forget that the other minorities we discuss are immutable, unchangeable facts about who someone is.

    These people demand special treatment for something they decided that IS changed and is NOT immutable.
    This is the same as deciding that all engineers (or all lawyers) get special right because of their chosen career field.


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