10 March 2022

Fuck Fuck You

 Duck Duck Go has joined the Ministry of Truth.


  1. Well, poop on stick. Thank you for posting this.

    I have suspected there was some manipulation of search results with DuckDuckGo for some time now, I've seen different results using the same search words between different browsers and different devices. As well as certain search words giving me results to news articles and other sites that really have only tangential reference to the search words and no mention of the sites that I know should have come up from those search words.

  2. basically, the fucking world has gone insane...panzer guy...

  3. Archibald Barasol11 March, 2022 10:45

    I’m sure that the Twitterverse is responding. I just gave a negative review at the App Store where I had downloaded their app.(now deleted). They need to hear feedback from everywhere. Unfiltered searches WAS their big advantage.


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