17 February 2020


It appears the upper house of Virginia's congress just nuked an "assault" weapon ban.

The galleries were packed to capacity with pro-gun folks too.

It would appear that ignoring the "pro-gun" advice and rallying on the capitol steps had an effect, as did showing up to "harrrumph" from the balcony.

Good on you Virginians!


  1. I am sure that those pro-gun quislings will say this was just a fluke.

    And gun-larping is hazardous to our rights.

    Because California's gun-rights are so very light.

  2. It wasn't a refutation, they only put it off for a year.

    1. Gun control is always put off until next session if it doesn't pass this year.

      Something that wears is the constant need to keep defeating it.


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