11 February 2020


Try to tell someone the difference between democracy and republic on Facebook and you find a massive whining bitch.

Anyone know a David Horvath working for the USDA in South Dakota?

Be sure to tell him that he lost the debate, but good.

He's sure proof that "former Marine" is a thing.


  1. i DON'T DO POLITIXS ANYMORE ON fACEBOOK. Being a conservative, every time I did I got crucified. So, screw that subject.

    1. If Facebook deletes my account I can finally be free of it!

    2. I do know him - not really a fan, we just have mutual friends.

    3. He's prominent in SCA royalty, so I'm not too surprised he's known.

      My bro on Facebook knows him from that, which is why his BS got called out.

      He appears to be unable to process that his worldview isn't the sole way to see things.

  2. He isn't too hard to find. https://www.ars.usda.gov/people-locations/person?person-id=2599


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