21 February 2020

Upheaval And Chaos

I wake up to, "DINGUS!" cried by The Lovely Harvey and, "dammit!"

Our fuzzy gray asshole knocked her phone off the night stand where it hit the corner of a slightly ajar drawer and put a nice spiderweb into the screen of her mostly beloved LG K20 V.

New screen is $30 and some delicate surgery.

New phone is more, but available in bite sized payments that are below the "what the hell, why not" threshold.

The K20 is a cheap phone.  The screen was not impact resistant.  Thus... the break from a short fall.

I've got her aimed at a Motorola Moto G7 Power or Z4.

The real clincher was discovering there are Ouija board printed shockproof cases for both phones to ease her transition from USB Micro to USB-C.

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