04 February 2020

Slinging Names

Something else to consider about reading and listening to the "pro-gun" bloggers.

Their tirades against open carry, with the insults being paramount, are actually attempts to "other" people who're merely expressing their rights and political opinion within the bounds of the law.

"Othering" is a dangerous first step to some very nasty things.  It's as necessary to "other" someone to do the nasty things as it is to disarm them.

Don't trust someone who actively, and repeatedly, dehumanizes their political opponents.

"Othering" is a form of bigotry, and we don't truck with that, do we?  Or do you?

1 comment:

  1. A wise man once said, "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Franklin wasn't wrong then, and his words aren't wrong now.

    Gun-lovers need to embrace all aspects of gun culture, from the snobbish jerks who only shoot hand-made side-by-side damascene shotguns and only using hand-loaded cartridges lovingly rolled on the thighs of virgins, to the gun-larping dur-hurs that are, we are told, the cause of all gunners' problems.

    And, seriously, the gun-fud elite are the worst at othering than even the gun-grabbers. There's one person who writes for a national gun magazine who doesn't think that anyone who can't spend or get for free because gun writer at least $10k of specialized, individual training a year using expensive, custom guns, should be allowed anywhere near any gun. There is another that thinks because his state has such fabulous anti-gun laws, that those in free states shouldn't use their Creator-given gun rights, because he thinks those people are stupid, and look stupid, and their mothers dress them funny.

    Yeah... Until one accepts all arms as valid, then one really isn't a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, is one?


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