05 February 2020

What Will Nancy Come Up With Next

Trump was acquitted of both charges.

They're making lemonade in the press by saying this will permanently taint President Trump...

If by "taint" they mean massively boost his popularity, I think they're on to something.

I fully expect them to continue to bolster his numbers with further impeachment attempts.

I expect that will continue to drive all but the most fanatic opponents of Trump elsewhere.

The electorate was paying attention...


  1. I fully expect the House Dems to start sometime next week, articles of impeachment. After all, they basically started working on them after November 2016...

    1. Beans - I'd wager that they were working on some sort of 'just in case' plan(s) from the outset as they likely knew this first attempt would likely not succeed. Actually we are probably at the third or fourth attempt what with russia russia russia, collusion, mueller, bribery. Oops, almost forgot quid pro quo so I guess we are already up to at least FIVE. They WILL keep trying, after all if they don't the sheeple might wake up and realize that they are doing absolutely NOTHING for We The People.

    2. Crazy Maxine Waters said a few weeks ago that they were going to come up with more impeachment charges.


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