15 February 2020

Now THAT Is Contempt

"That dude can jump out of a 3 story window and land on a bicycle with no seat on it in order to go fuck himself hard enough"

The argument boils down to, "The military essentially keeps the troops disarmed, therefore civilians should be as well."

OK, MISTER Kaminar...  Taste this for size:

Restrictions on and of government should always be far greater than on the sovereign citizen.

It should take the Army a thousand steps to get access to a rifle then another thousand to get ammo where the everyday citizen should be able to grab them as a casual afterthought.

Remember, the whole point they put the 2nd Amendment in there was not to have a strong standing army, but to make sure the citizenry was always stronger than any standing army Congress foolishly funded.

That you served 30 years with your attitude says more about the corruption of our society and the failure of the founder's vision than most anything else I can think of at the moment.

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