15 February 2020

It's Subtle

"What's the difference between Communism, Fascism, and Socialism?"

In theory: many differences with subtleties filled with nuance.

In practice: Who gets murdered first, who's next in line and how they got murdered.


  1. How pretty the uniforms are.

    Communism being the ugliest, fascism having the flashiest.

  2. There is no single "fascism," though. Mussolini's Fascism was different in quite a few ways from Hitler's National Socialism, and then you get into other variants: the Arrow Cross in Hungary, the Iron Guard in Romania, and so on and so forth. While Leon Degrelle was willing to fight for Nazi Germany, his Rexists had a lot of ideological differences with the Nazi Party.

    1. There really isn't a single socialism either.

      The various communist states have also shown us there isn't a single flavor of that either.

      Prolly books on the differences out there.

    2. It's more like 'What are you (the leader) calling your particular flavor of Authoritarian Stupidity?'

      All of the above, communism, socialism and fascism, of all varieties, first requires the State (and those who run the state) to get total control of all aspects of life within the state. Then it really doesn't matter one bit what one calls the stupidity.

      Those in charge who want to be 'one with the people' will publicly dress like they are one of the dirt people they are in charge of. Thus... Old School Mao and his commie-pjs, or Fidel Castro, or the Khymer leadership, all who dressed down to the masses.

      Those in charge who want to be 'the shining leaders' will publicly dress in sparking fine outfits, either civilian clothing of the finest cut or operatic-level uniforms.

      No matter what, once behind closed doors, all seem to enter into lifestyles that make Hugh Hefner look like an LA street person.

    3. For what it's worth, Hitler never wore extravagant outfits either, nor a lot of medals. The pictures I've seen of him in military uniform, he only wore the iron cross he was awarded during WWI and pretty minimalistic insignia. In many photos he wasn't in uniform at all, but merely a formal suit with nothing other than a Nazi eagle pin on the lapel. I haven't seen pictures of him dressed down, but not anything over the top.

  3. The Nazis did have the best looking uniforms, and the Soviets the worst, so I have to agree with that.


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