03 February 2020

Guns Guns Mutter Mutter

The shrieking housefrau of the "gun rights" movement are having the vapors about open carrying again.

The entire idea that someone is free to do something they don't like or something they like in a manner they dislike absolutely terrifies them.

I'll say it.

They're cowards.

They see their shadows and dive back into their groundhog-like lairs to berate those who're far better adjusted to the outside world.

While open carrying when and where it's legal might not be bravery, per se, it's certainly not cowardice.

Unlike the cowards, they're making a visible stand.

I don't know how to say it more clearly, they're doing something we all have the right to do (even if our rights are infringed where we live at the moment).  They're doing it in accordance with the laws of where they're doing it.  They're not hurting anyone.

The gigantic raft of bills sitting Tallahassee, save one, has nothing to do with open carry.


There is no relationship whatsoever between open carrying and additional anti-gun laws being passed.

Sure, there's the potential.  But its a potential that has not yet been realized at any capitol building.  So consistently so, we should stop worrying about it and stop paying heed to those who are panicking about it.


  1. Yeah, gun-larping is such a problem, isn't it, that only 1 bill attempted to address it.

    Still enjoying being more free than those in California, though the Dems are trying to turn us into a southeastern version of that hell-hole.

    55 gallons a person per day... Says it all, doesn't it?

  2. Texas finally got open carry a few years ago, and the world has not ended. That's for handguns, long guns have always been legal to open carry here. Like most other states, it is rare to see, and generally doesn't get more than a few quizical looks from people when it does. I've never seen or heard of any serious incidents related to it.


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