29 August 2021

A Good Socialist At Last

Ed Asner, a known dancing monkey, has finally died.


A pity he hadn't died younger, when he was just an actor rather than a socialist piece of shit.

Fuck him.


  1. Agreed, Asner was a leftist piece of scum. The world is better off without trash like him.

  2. I'll say what I always say in such situations.

    "One should only speak good about the dead. OK. 'He's dead? Good.'"

  3. I, too, am one who is one with you. I mean, first thing I thought was, "Good." And the second was, "He was still alive?" Third was, "Who the copulation cares?"

  4. And now do Robert De Niro. That sawed off hack of a socialist leftist communist scum.

  5. Good advice to only speak well of the dead.
    Enjoy your stay in eternity, Ed. Is there a place in heaven for unrepentant commies? Naw, didn't think so.


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