18 August 2021

Blame Game

Bush II put us in Afghanistan.

Obama didn't get us out.

Trump didn't get us out.

Biden still hasn't gotten us out.

Regardless of how we got there and whatever we accomplished or failed to accomplish:  All four of these presidents DEMANDED the job.

They were not begged to take it on.

They were not forced to take it on.

They fought to get the job.  Scrabbling over all competitors to attain the position.

That means when it all goes wrong, it belongs to the current holder of the title.

Congratulations, President Biden!  You earned it.

None of this says that Mumbly Joe didn't by act and deed make the situation far worse than it could or should have been.

But he wanted to hold this position and he's getting it in spades, more so because he isn't very good at it.

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