10 August 2021

I'm Really Going To Have To Do It

Seeing the trailers for Apple+'s Foundation series has made me realize I am going to have to re-read that thing.

And read some of the other books too.

My 17 year old mind didn't particularly like Foundation, but I slogged through it because so many memes from Traveller came from Asimov (and Herbert, and Pournelle, and Niven, and Heinlein and Vance, and ad nauseum).

Dune was a lot easier as an adult, maybe Foundation will be as well.

Officially I am supposed to start with I, Robot.  Not sure I wanna do that.

I think I'll start with the two prequels published after I read the first three books and quit.

1 comment:

  1. I read them all a while back. If I remember correctly, the prequels were written by someone else after Asimov passed on. I found them readable, though.

    I figure book four is skippable. Written long after book three, and it ties into the robot stories near the end since that was a trendy thing for authors to do.


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