24 August 2021

Religious Objection

I've often claimed Atheism just to get people to shut up and leave me alone.

That's not entirely true.

The tenets of my religion cannot be discussed with outsiders.

Either you're a member with me, or you're not and if you are you know how to open the conversation so I know you're a fellow.

This creates constant difficulties explaining my 1st Amendment right to pursue my Faith.

But since it's a right I'm not supposed to HAVE to explain it to heathen non-believers... I am often very pissed off that explanations are expected.

But I'm prohibited by the tenets of my beliefs to explain shit to outsiders.


  1. It's "tenet," not "tenant."

    My usual joke about atheism is that most American who become atheists do so because Jehovah's Witnesses woke them from a drunken stupor on a Saturday morning.

    1. It's tenant when you're posting during a drunken stupor!

  2. I have read you don't even need to go to church or belong to an organized religion. All you need to have is a strong personal belief that the jab goes against God's will and that your body is sacred.

  3. People's religious beliefs or lack thereof are really none of anyone else's business.

  4. I plan to make that point at the meeting I'm required to schedule with my employer, to explain my religious objections, which meeting and demand for elucidation, are themselves, illegal, after which TPTB will quietly deliberate on whether, in fact, and in their sole judgement, it's religious, valid, and sufficient.

    Which is akin to getting religious rulings from the SS on the tenets and proper practice of orthodox Judiasm.

    I'll let you know how that goes.
    I'm strongly considering showing up for any such meeting with retained legal counsel, just to make them squirt in their pants.


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