06 August 2021

Don't Go Outside

Misophonia is a "joy".

But even more fun is my friends not listening to my explanation or remembering how it affects me.

Oh! for a malady which is visible on the outside so my friends could remember it!

I'm sick of explaining it, over and over, to my friends.

I'm sick of dealing with the people who set it off.

I'm sick of my friends introducing me to someone who's setting it off and not noticing that I am withdrawing from everything to escape the source of the problem.

When I walk out without saying anything, having reached the limits of my endurance, they're suddenly, "what's wrong?"

Same thing that was wrong 20 minutes ago when I mentioned your new friend was making clicking noises and you didn't lean over and even try to ask them to calm down.


  1. My misophonia is pen clicking, whistling... and kids whining/screaming. Friend and family can't seem to understand why I prefer to be left alone then battle with dealing with those sounds. I feel for ya!

  2. I have a mild case, and it's primarily the sound of someone eating.
    Several times, I've gotten up and left a table -- or even a room.

    1. Chewing, pen clicking, mindless tapping on tables or bars, crunching of chips...

      It moved on to visual things too with bouncing legs being my "favorite." General fidgeting in the peripheral vision is the worst.

      I particularly hate gum because it will not end. I can generally endure a meal's worth of chewing, but gum will extend far past that.


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