25 August 2021

OK Doc, HOW?


Worse than death?

Unvaccinated patients burst into flames or something?  Explode?  Become zombies?  Register Democrat?  Learn something about the Clintons?

Help me out here, I mean I just have a business admin bachelors and associates in machine design, we didn't cover worse outcomes than death.


  1. "Wake up naked, except for a wedding ring, with a sick hangover...and look over and see Nancy Pelosi naked in bed with you?"

  2. Our company risk matrix has results worth than death. Which evidently is code for crippled for life and company has bigger payout to unjured worker than they would have had to pay the widow for death.


  3. Hi Angus!!!,
    As the Late Frank Gallop would probably say in his Throaty, Baritone voice,",,,,,,REALLY!!!!!!!!!......."


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