14 August 2021

Groupthink Blog

The sidebar got shorter.

One, in particular, seems to have succumbed to groupthink.

I think there were two moments where it could have been avoided, but the ship has sailed.

First was when they closed comments.

Second was when their blogging got them a professional gig.

It was astounding how fast the tone changed and they started to sound exactly like every other professional in that field.

Like the Hellion you knew in high school who's now a priest at the 30th reunion and he sounds like every other priest now with hardly a trace of the person you once knew.

It makes me wonder why I kept on for so long.

I should have clipped it a while ago, perhaps I'd hoped the old author would come back.  Sadly, they appear to be gone for good.


  1. I appreciate that McThag, I wish more blog owners would do that, clip blogs that haven't been updated in two years and the reason you stated, started out a firebrand and devolved into a left leaning flame of poop... I know it is one of the lowest jobs to receive attention for a blog owner. It just clogs the pipe so to speak.

  2. Yeah, used to read an amateur's site, then when said amateur went pro and started spouting stupidity like "You should only be able to carry concealed if the gun is worth more than most houses and you attend $100,000 worth of training (of which I, the pro-blogger, get at a steep discount or free.)

    Yeah, no.

    If, instead, said blogger had gone and said "I've made the bigs, so here's what I've learned so you who poor can enjoy guns as much as I," well, that would have made a lot more sense.

    Get a job in the industry and suddenly TRTKABA as enumerated in the 2nd Amendment means "Only as I, a privileged person, can carry because I've had more training than an infantry division."

    Yeah, no. As Phil says, BKYTW!

    Same reason I don't read medical bloggers who tell us peons to follow their every words of wisdom, even though they don't follow their own words of wisdom.


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