24 November 2021



The dill did not come in as strong as hoped.

The cloves are very strong.

It is aquavit.

And far cheaper than Linie.

A happy experiment.

Next batch I will skip the cloves.


  1. I may have to try that. Any particular opinions on the neutral grain spirit to use as the base?

    1. I used Russian Standard. It's my go-to for vodka.

  2. Some recipes I've seen recommend crushing the dill in a mortar and pestle to facilitate more intense infusion. Maybe try that and back off the cloves by 50% to 75% instead of eliminating them? I dunno, I'd have to taste it to have a worthwhile opinion.

  3. Isn't the main flavoring in aquavit caraway?

    1. Yup. There's caraway in this. And fennel.

      But it's dominated by the cloves.

      I was aiming for caraway and dill with dill on the front.


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