04 November 2021


The new, improved, version of Twilight: 2000 lacks the Kbk wz.88 Tantal?

The Poles didn't convert to 5.45 in this universe?

I hate having to fix things right out of the box.

The timeline gives no clues as to why Poland would have ended development of the Tantal because the dissolution of The Warsaw Pact happens in much the same manner was Home Timeline.  The big, huge, change is Soviet Hardliners manage to keep Yeltsin from dissolving The USSR.

Obviously there's some economic assumptions that are different from Home Timeline, the USSR collapsed under its economic failure; Reagan's policies had exhausted them.

Even with this economic problem in Home Timeline, Poland was able to finish development of the Tantal and get it into the hands of troops.

I guess that since I'd intended to keep using GURPS for the rule system, I already have the equipment ready; including the Tantal.

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