09 November 2021

Cops On Set?

Alec Baldwin wants cops to replace professional armorers?

Do we all remember where the term "only one" came from?

Um, yeah.  Let's let cops replace the armorers.

Never mind how many times we've seen the absolute worst gun handler at the range turn out to be a cop.

Never mind that most cops don't do more than the minimum required to keep carrying their service weapon, and don't understand anything gun related outside that extremely easy and simple regimen.

Replacing an armorer with a cop isn't going to solve what happened with Alec Baldwin.

The first thing that has to happen is to crush the idea that the actor isn't responsible for what they do with the gun on set.  Then back our way up to standardizing training and procedures for Hollywood to follow when handling guns on set.

What follows from that is a professional association of armorers who maintain that standard and provide credentials for their members and assurance that such standards will be adhered to on set.  To the point where you can't film a firearm without one.

But a badge will not give any of that, nor guarantee that some retard who can memorize lines and pretend to be someone else won't fire a live round if you hand them a loaded gun.


  1. Wait, the very cops the Hollyweird Intelligensia say are corrupt and can't follow simple orders and rules and laws are now good enough to correctly handle the intricacies of stage armoring that's been formalized since the 1930's?

    A... Ah.... Ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaa... cough, wheeze, chortle, ahahahahahahahahaahahahaaa.

    Wouldn't it just be better to, you know, actually follow the rules as set forth by... the very Hollyweird Intelligensia that have had so many films not gack someone? Or is it too difficult for the Hollyweird Intelligensia to read the damned rules they made?

    I wonder how the greeky guy is going to Moebius-strip his spine while twisting his stance to support both that cops and actors are ignorant dumbasses yet also people to be listened to?

  2. The curriculum for teaching gun safety is pretty clear. 1) ASSUME THE GUN IS ALWAYS LOADED. 2) KEEP YOUR FINGER AWAY FROM THE TRIGGER. 3) MAKE SURE THE MUZZLE OF THE GUN IS POINTED IN SAFE DIRECTION. 4) WHEN TAKING A SHOT, BE CERTAIN OF YOUR BACKGROUND IS SAFE. More is good, but the basic 4 will help immensely in saving lives. Just as long as the individual uses the information.

    If they want to teach and demonstrate how each firearm type works, that is their business.


  3. What I'd like to know is what the HELL live ammunition was doing on that set in the first place. From what I've been reading, this whole production was cutting corners left, right and center.

  4. Hey Angus;

    The same cops the actors blame when *dindu noffin* was on his way to choir practice and get a cap put in his ass for being stupid somehow gets super powers when it comes to firearm handling, because they are "The Professionals" *Snort, Hack*, ...Yeah...yank on the other one....it has bells on it.

  5. i've seen cops that didn't know how to take their sidearm apart to clean or an AR rifle...this is what happens when cities hire people looking for pay checks instead of wanting to actually serve...panzer guy


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