19 November 2021

Doing Society A Favor

As the criminal histories of Kyle Rittenhouse's assailants comes to light, I am struck with the realization that just pumping rounds into the mob would be a net good for society.

Yes, that would be illegal.

Yes, you would probably go to jail.

No, you should not actually do that.

But I no longer think that someone shooting up one of these mobs is morally wrong.

Illegal, yes.  Immoral, no.

What moral high ground the Black Lives Matter people held has been discarded by aligning themselves with wanton criminals who care nothing for the supposed goals of reducing police violence on innocent blacks.

There wasn't much high ground to cede because they kept championing criminals caught in the act...


  1. I've commented that if BLM really cared about black lives, rather than sticking pins in the police for daring to enforce the laws on blacks, they'd be out screaming and protesting for a huge crackdown on the hoodlums and gangsters who make life in black neighborhoods so...very interesting.

  2. Well, a lot of the "Not Fornicating Around Coalition" was noticed to be using airsoft weapons because the airsoft carriers couldn't carry or touch a real gun because of prior criminal records. So, yes, leveling fire in ranks and advancing with bayonet (if one was using a long gun, not some modern sporting rifle) would end up being a net positive factor on society. Elimination of direct threat. Elimination of will to loot, pillage, assault, burn and do other bad things.

    Make the streets messy for a while. But in reality no more messy than if everything has been looted, burned, pillaged, assaulted, urinated on, pooped on, bled on, and so much more.

    It should have been a tactic used once the mobs got out of hand. But since the mobs were in semi-control of the powers-that-be, well...

    Shoot them. Run over them. Grind them up. Kill them all. Sadly, makes sense to me.

  3. And HE's FOUND NOT GUILTY!!!! WHOOHOOOO!!! Justice exists after all!!! WHOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!


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