21 November 2021

No, Ms Teacher-Lady, I will not support an increase in teacher salaries.

I was repeatedly promised by your unions and yourself that increasing your pay would improve student scores and increased graduation rates.

I was repeatedly promised by your unions and yourself that increasing school funding would improve student scores and increased graduation rates.

I was repeatedly promised by your unions and yourself that decreasing class sizes would improve student scores and increased graduation rates.

I held up my end of the bargain, and you've gotten more pay, higher budgets and fewer students per teacher for the two decades I've lived in Florida.

What I don't have is increased scores and improved graduation rates.

All that extra money and staffing did was cost more for the same outcome.

I'd kind of accepted it as a status quo thing... until...

Until you petulantly refused to work after Wu Ping Cough had been shown to not be a real problem.

Until you pressed for useless mask mandates.

Until you demanded that students be forced to be immunized against Wu Ping Cough, but fought be exempted yourselves.

"FUCK YOU!" is as delicately as I can put it.

I am thinking that we need to return to the model where school is in walking distance and that's as far away as the funding and control comes from.  This model pares things down to JUST the 3R's and doesn't have time for all the indoctrination.  Plus, should time for politics be found, the people who control the school only have to walk over and express their displeasure and fire the offending employee.


  1. At one time, Florida's teachers's salaries WERE pathetic. But that was back in the early 70's. By late 70's and early 80's, they'd caught up.

    Meanwhile, the same teachers' unions that were fighting for extra pay were very very successful in shutting down and destroying any continuing education testing to prove that the teachers could actually teach.

  2. I would like to see this 8th grade test from 1910 to get into high school used.
    Would you be able to pass?

    Name three different ways in which a noun may be used in the nominative case, and three ways in which a noun may be used in the objective case.
    Mark diacritically the vowels in the following: banana, admire, golden, ticket, lunch.
    Spell 30 words including emblematic, declension, pernicious, laudanum and soliloquy.
    What has made the names of each of the following historical? Alexander Hamilton, U.S. Grant, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Cyrus W. Field, Clara Barton.
    How do you distinguish between the terms Puritans, Pilgrims, and Separatists?
    (a) State briefly the causes of the War of 1812. (b) Name two engagements. (c) Two prominent American Commanders.
    Name five important cities and five products of Canada.
    What and where are the following? Liverpool, Panama, Suez, Ural, Liberia, Quebec, Pikes Peak, Yosemite, Danube, San Diego.
    Divide 304,487 by 931.
    Find the square root of 95.6484.
    Find the sum of 5/9, 5/6, 3/4, 11/36.
    What number diminished by 33 1/3 percent of itself equals 38?
    Quote two stanzas of “America.”
    Name five American poets, and give a quotation from each.
    Female students in science class, early 20th century
    Female students in science class, early 20th century
    Trace a drop of blood from the time it enters the left ventricle, until it returns to its starting point, and name the different valves and principal arteries and veins through which it passes.
    Explain why health depends largely upon habit.
    Locate the thoracic duct.
    Give some good reasons why boys should not smoke cigarettes.
    What do you understand about the germ theory of disease?
    If you succeed in obtaining an eighth-grade diploma, do you expect to attend school next term? Where?
    The stereotype is that our ancestors were not as intelligent as we are, but judging from these test questions, the opposite certainly seems true. They were highly educated and at a young age.

    Eighth graders are, after all, only 13 and 14 years old.


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