11 November 2021

What If

There's a lot of people condemning Kyle Rittenhouse for being there that night.

Being there at all, regardless of his being armed or not.

What if he'd never shown up to help?

What if he'd not had the rifle?

Both are presented in terms of nothing bad would have happened if he wasn't there and armed (other than the riots, looting and arson, I guess).

I have a what if.

What if the police weren't derelict in their duty to protect the community?

I am aware that the supreme court has given them permission to be derelict, but that doesn't change the question, does it?

What if the district attorneys in Kenosha had prosecuted the few rioters arrested aggressively and harshly?

The government of Kenosha left its citizens to their own devices against a violent mob and has the audacity to blame someone else for their failure?

If riots and lawlessness didn't spread so, I'd be tempted to say, "we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn."


  1. my reply to "he shouldn't have been there" is he had more right to be there than all those rioters put together. he had a right to peaceably assemble. they forfeited their right to assemble when they burned and looted. he answered a call to help secure life and property of his friends. he came to help with an aid bag, unarmed, until a friend concerned with his safety gave him a gun. and yes, i said property. the founders intended our property to be sacred too, even wrote it into the bill of rights. to those that dispute it i say, if your life is more sacred than my property why would you risk your life to take or destroy my property.

  2. What if the news media didn't automatically present any police kill of a black as "Nazi Klansmen killed an UNARMED BLACK MAN!" Every one of these "martyrs," back from before the Martyrdom of St. George Floyd, was pulling shenanigans that would have got a white guy shot, too.

    The news media did a lot to whip up the Rodney King riots, as well as about all of the ones we've had since then. As far as I'm concerned, they've long since abandoned any pretense of being neutral observers.

  3. It's because the power-elite and the enemedia want to destroy us and return us to a feudal state that Kyle is seen as bad and the 3 he shot are seen as good (at least by the power-elite and the enemedia.)

    Same with any show of resistance to the dominant message being put out by the power elite and the enemedia.

  4. I wonder how many insurance companies are wondering why should they cover damages that were allowed to happen under police scrutiny. I've read that property damage done while martial law is declared can excuse insurance companies from paying out. Why wouldn't the same privilege be extended to ANTIFA ?


    1. If a lot of commercial property owners start getting stiffed by insurance companies due to riots by Antifa and other hate groups like BLM, then maybe they will stop pandering to them and start bending the ear of their legislators to return some law and order to this country. It sickens me how some of these big companies and even small businesses have gone all "woke" to either think they will be spared from violence and property damage or to avoid political pressure. Frankly I think it is a losing strategy in the long because eventually Antifa and other Stalinists will start to go after them anyway.


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