14 November 2021

Nobody Tell Roberta X

It appears that if you've caught Wu Ping Cough and survived you've no reason to get vaccinated because you're not going to catch it or transmit it to others.


  1. It's almost like there's 200+ years of science of epidemiology to base this upon. That once one has had some diseases, that imparts immunity. And given a weakened or dead version of a disease can also impart immunity. Weird, huh?

  2. Most of these Covid restrictions and mandates have little to nothing to do with science and everything to do with stripping everyone of their rights and freedoms as a prelude to getting them to accept much bigger impositions later. The same thing with all the intentional inflation and the government manufactured supply chain issues. It is all calculated to break the middle to lower class and get them to accept the yoke of tyranny of a Stalinist/Maoist style government imposed by the new Chinese overlords who the Democrats have sold us out to.


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