22 November 2021

Watching A Tree Grow

I have lived where I live for an unusually long time for me.

Even when I lived in Ames I would change address every couple of years.

So I never got to see something like this before:

September 2012, plus a bonus pic of my tubby ass.

August 2015.

January 2017.

May 2017.

November 2021.

When I moved in we had an orange tree just to the left of where the palm is now.  That tree died and the palm grew from a seed that ended up in our yard however such seeds end up in yards.

We've been doing our amateurish best at keeping it groomed.


  1. One of dem dere Southern crabgrass thingies. Far south Chicago, I'd guess. Looks to be about Claymore size. Have to keep them mowed.

    Prettier than the bambo (Asian Crabgrass) that some folks have set loose on the neighhohood. Chipmunks love the stuff, but the Fire Department gets twitchy because the leafy parts get dry and burn They launch flaming sparkles all over the area. Quite festive if you are up-wind.

    Does yours drop dry leaves? (fronds?)

    1. West Harvey, actually...

      We get whole fronds at once. Those go in the firepit.

  2. Good looking tree. We find that they do make good havens for cockroaches though. So if you get a major infestation, be sure to check there and eradicate if required.



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