24 November 2021

I Have Questions

The FBI says that a gun was missing from Laundrie's parent's home.

"When Brian Laundrie’s parents reported him missing in mid-September following the strangulation of his former fiancée Gabby Petito, they turned over all of the firearms in their home to the FBI – but one was missing, sources close to the investigation tell Fox News Digital."

They don't mention how they know that one was missing.

Did the parents notice at the time they turned over their guns?

Did the FBI know how many guns were there before they took the guns?

Why did the parents have to hand over their firearms in the first place?


  1. All valid questions. There are a lot of people who it would be difficult to determine if one was missing unless there is some kind of double secret back door registration happening or something.

    FBI and other jack booted thugs like BATFE are known to use intimidation tactics to get people do do things that they aren't really legally required to do.

  2. i asked an a t f agent once and he flat out told me they don't keep records...but in todays world with the patriot act, they know what you buy, who you talk to, who you text, what you type in them and if you have any smart speakers/phones/tablets and who knows what else are always listening...and all that info gets dumped in to a computer somewhere before it makes it's fun little trip on the interwebs...panzer guy

  3. The main question I have is: Was a gun found next to Laundrie's remains? That would (mostly) confirm the suicide narrative. But what if a gun wasn't found with the remains? On my Facebook page, a commenter speculated that Laundrie's parents executed him when he was unwilling to commit suicide. Far-fetched but not impossible. The parents obviously knew where to find the remains, since they basically led police directly to them.


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