03 March 2022

Good News

Better that it'd never gotten to this point, but...

It appears that at the end of the proceedings, there will still be a National Rifle Association.

It also appears that Wayne La Pierre and cronies will be getting the bulk of the punishment, or at least they've shifted to be the main focus of what's going on.

As it should be.

They're the assholes that fucked the place up, they should be the ones who're punished for it.

Better and more detailed analysis here and here.

I was genuinely shocked that the charges that New York brought had merit.

That shock has grown to outrage at the people responsible for shepherding the organization for the benefit of the members, including my life membership holding ass.

1 comment:

  1. It should always have been aimed at LaPierre and his compatriots and the grifting leadership. But the organization itself should be actually working for all its members, not just the high-paid jackasses.

    There was merit. Just New York used the merit of the individuals' sins to try to take the whole organization down.


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