03 March 2022

Hans? Polen? Ja?


 German is an amazingly concise language at times...

"Hey there, Hans, wanna get the lads together, arm up and invade Poland?" translates, accurately to, "Hans, Polen, Ja?"


  1. Well...they do have Leopards that continues the Panther and Tiger/King Tiger line. They would need about 10,000 of them this time around but the roads are the same, the avenues are approach are the same and the bridges are better. Imagine round two with Leopards and T-90s. Is that the Panzer song I hear in the distance?

  2. Jerseygirl Angie03 March, 2022 16:56

    Perhaps without the genocide and death camps this time ?

    1. The Germans have changed since 1945. It's not like they're Australians with brand new interment camps...


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