04 April 2022

Alt History Givens

Way back in 1985 there was no doubt that The Soviet Union was going to make it to 1997 and that it could stand toe to toe with NATO in World War Three.

In fact, it was widely held that NATO would have great difficulty in slowing the Soviet advance long enough for reinforcements from the US to get into the fight.

This was the reality when GDW published Twilight: 2000.

Since then...

Well, to make it to 1995 and start a war with China that eventually goes nuclear in late 1997 we have to accept some givens about the Soviet economy that simply weren't true.

Now, thanks to the invasion of Ukraine, we have to accept some givens about the Russian way of war that simply aren't true.

We're seeing their doctrines put into action and they don't seem to work very well against even a non-peer foe.

No wonder T2K went nuclear, huh?

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