29 April 2022

Hello Old Friend

 While digging through my books looking for stuff to donate to Willard so he has something to read while he's rebuilding leg muscles...

I relocated this:

I've owned this book since 3rd grade.

I originally read it because it has a triceratops in it and I was all about dinosaurs at that age.  This might be the first science fiction book I ever owned.

Dad's Mom had me reading well above my age early, but those were "The Classics™" and I read them because I wanted her to be happy.  (It backfired because I assumed that she'd read them too and she was unprepared to discuss them.)

I think I will re-read it and bask in the nostalgia.  It's well below my reading level now, but...  Comfort book.


  1. I had a few books by the same author when I was ten or eleven. The house flooded, lost all my books. One title was Love me,Love my dog,
    Bristlecone Pine was in one, I've been trying to remember the author, I want some of those books for my grandson. If you can help, I'd sure appreciate it.

  2. I read that book too, and at about the age you did. I was nuts about dinosaurs then. I still remember a lot of the illustrations.

  3. Damn, I remember that story. I was 7 - 8 years old when I read it.


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