11 April 2022

I'd Rather Know Less Than So Much That Isn't So

My service manual for The Beast contains an entire section on figuring out vibrations.

Several people have mentioned having the same vibration at the steering wheel I'm experiencing.

I ran through the flow-chart and have narrowed down the choices to the strut mounts, tie-rods and/or out of round rims.

In my case the strut mounts are clearly collapsed.  The parts get here Wednesday and pending medical clearance from my radiology appointment Thursday, I should be able to eliminate that possibility.

Tie-Rods are simple.

Out of round rims plays into our desire to get new wheels anyway.

But so many people on the newcaprice forum just flat deny that it could be any of the above.

I don't know why they're so vested in not fixing the remaining choice when they've done the other two.

My current favorite is the person who said that it couldn't be the strut mounts because they've replaced them three times...

When they finally posted pics the had both the mounts AND the springs clocked incorrectly.  Found your problem there, Tex.  Oh and you ruined the new mounts driving around with the springs clocked wrong too.

Wrenching isn't hard, but you do need some smarts.

1 comment:

  1. People get invested into their bad decisions and refuse to accept the truth. We see that with the un-scientific methods being used today in un-science.

    I remember back in the day that tire shops used to check to see if wheels and hubs were true.

    Good luck on the wrenching and hub fixing.


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