30 April 2022


You are already paying for student loan forgiveness and you don't even know it.

Did you know that if you make your payments for 10 years, regardless of the remaining principle, your loan gets discharged?

Forgiven, in other words.

Did you make ten years of payments?

Was the balance zero?

Did you even check?

Did you even notice that your mortgage sized student loan was getting paid back in 1/3 the time with 1/4 the payment?  That didn't seem odd to you?

But people who got fucked by the government are stealing from YOU and YOUR taxes?  YOU'RE paying for something you didn't receive?

You're ignorant of how things have been for a long time and lashing out at the wrong people.

But thanks for the anon comment that got deleted for being a dick about your reply anyways.


  1. i got the college fund for signing my life away for 4 years...then another 4...i actually got my degree...i graduated the month before i would have lost the college fund...i'm still stupid but now stupid with a degree...panzer guy...

  2. I have not experienced my student loans being discharged early. I graduated in 2004 and paid off the fed loan about a year ago and still paying another one. It is possible I did something wrong but having them written off at 10 years has not been my experience.

    1. The Lovely Harvey, who worked this stuff for a living before moving to the compliance side, says that you have to call them up and demand it. Also that you can't discharge unsubsidized Fed loans this way. But since they're not talking about wiping the slate clean on unsub loans, I was ignoring them from my rant.

  3. I got turned down for student loans back in the day. They weren't so easy to get back then. I had parents who on paper could supposedly afford to pay (despite my dad being a mid level state employee and my mom not working -- so we never had much growing up). But parents who didn't believe in it (well, until my ne'er-do-well brother got to college age -- they paid for his and he didn't work at all). Anyway, it would have been a real luxury to be able to get them instead of having to work full time at a low paying job at the University to be able to afford to take a few credits a semester. Until tuition went up so much I couldn't even afford that. The bottom line being... I have a very hard time feeling sorry for people who got the loans and complain now. And am even more offended that I'm paying again for their tuition when I got nothing. Will the feds send me a check for all the tuition I paid out of pocket let alone interest going back 30+ years since I was in school? No. I get kicked in the teeth again.

    1. Please send copies of the letters to your congress creatures to eliminate DoE, Federal student loans and welfare recipients getting free college.

      Otherwise you're a willing participant in the scheme by passively accepting it until you noticed someone besides you might benefit.


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