01 May 2022

Well Worth It

Cerakote makes a headlight restoration kit.

I'd bought it and not gotten motivated to use it until I was having trouble seeing this evening in The Beast.

HOLY SHIT!  I can now see in the dark! 

Definitely work the money and about half an hour of labor.

It's a simple three (really 5) step process.

First you wash the lenses with your preferred soap.

Second you use four pads each lens soaked in a chemical which strips the surface oxidation from the plastic.

Third you wet sand each lens for 3 minutes each of two different grits (12 minutes total).

Fourth you rinse and thoroughly dry the lens.

Fifth you apply the ceramic coating then wait an hour before getting them wet or hot.


Instead of being diffused by the pocked and milky lens, the light just goes out the front!

I am very pleased and am going to do this for Harvey's Nox and Moxie.

I forgot to take a before pic.

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