21 May 2022

Payback Time Bitches

The Lovely Harvey has the annual deductible paid.  She's $250 from paying the 10% of the first $5,000 90/10 deal.

That means we're $250 from the health insurance paying for everything and us paying $20 per visit copays until the end of the year.  Much like insurance was before Romneycare 2.*Obama* kicked in.

That gigantic deductible is why she didn't seek a lot of care.

Well, now that we're forced to pay it, it's paid and we're going to peg the meter getting her cared for.


  1. Bless you. Aren't there prescription band aids and haircuts your doctor can prescribe as medically necessary?

  2. Unfortunately you've to go work the system. I've run into the same problem... Before Obamacare I had good coverage with reasonable copays and deductibles that was entirely employer paid... But then it was deemed a "bullshit policy" because it didn't pay for certain things that were required, even though most of them were things I'd never need.


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