24 May 2022

A Modest Proposal

Any mass shooting or murder which occurs in a gun free zone by law shall ignored.

It is the fault of the legislators and executive that signed the law, and not the shooter, so we should blame them for creating an attractive nuisance.


  1. It will be interesting to see how quickly the identity of the shooter disappears as the shooter is found out not to fit the profile of right-wing white male legal gun owner.

    1. Memory holed in 3, 2, 1....

      Its amazing to see how blatantly they "lighten up" the photo of him to appear non-hispanic.
      What galls me, is they will sit there with a straight face and say its not to create racial bias, just more accurately rendering his skin tone.
      The lying, the right in your face, pissing down your neck and calling it rain lying.... thats the part that gets me angry.


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