09 May 2022

Moderated For A Reason

A couple of comments about Mr Porretto falling for an old racist con-man can be summed up as:

"That wasn't racism because [racist explanation]."  If you're going to try to convince me you're not racist about this you're going to have to have a better argument than "they're [race] and there's nothing we can do."

All of the racist explanations for the situation fail to account for how the situation didn't exist until created by white people in government.

Specifically racist Democrats and perverse economic incentives to exit American Culture.

But let's just assume that Mr Johnson, and followers, are correct and there's nothing that can be done about black people because they're genetically incapable of being part of our culture.

What now?

Concentration camps and ovens?

Walling them up in their ghettos?

Forced sterilizations? 

Be precise in your answer about what is to be done.

I am NOT advocating we continue as we have been.  Something needs to change with regards to the black "community" and their over representation in criminal activity and general refusal to participate under the rules of Western Civ.

Unlike Mr Johnson and his followers, I think that they're more than capable of learning the rules and following them.  We haven't been enforcing the rules, and I think it's because it builds the racist resentment exhibited in the, deleted, comments.

I'd like to think that my readers are better than falling for the ploy the Liberals are playing fomenting a race war.

Can you prove me right?


  1. This will be moderated, and I'm fine with that. Now that I'm retired, and I don't have to worry about clients checking my social media, I can say what I really think.
    I am a White nationalist, and I don't believe that non-whites should be allowed in America. I have worked with various minorities, and both blacks and hispanics are garbage personally and technically. indians are taking jobs from Americans, and I had to babysit a bunch of them when I worked in Indiana a few years ago. What a f...ing mess!
    I also despise (((jews))) and ragheads, while I respect orientals, but I don't want them in this country.
    As to a race war, I'd love to participate in one, and help take out the trash. Beware of the Angry Saxon!
    This is the main reason that I consider myself a lapsed Christian; I don't believe that all people are created equally.
    Lastly, I believe in eugenics, as did several great Americans of the 20th century, such as Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and many others.
    As to what to do with them, expel all of the non-whites from this country. If they won't leave voluntarily, execute them. I'm a strong believer in EXTERMINATUS, by whatever means work.
    That's why I support abortion and I'm coming around to support infanticide; I'm tired of seeing my tax dollars going to keep non-productive sub-humans alive.
    You might be surprised at how many people out there believe as I do, and the numbers are increasing daily. I won't say who agrees with me; you can look that up. I've thought of joining GAB; a lot of the people there share my views. Wirecutter called me Plague Monkey over my views regarding eugenics on his site; his site, his rules. Doesn't bother me one bit.
    My wife doesn't agree with me, but she's never been robbed or mugged by feral blacks.
    This is long enough, and I need to sharpen my Swiss engineer's bayonet for when the time comes to have some fun. I won't be checking back on this, but I do want to thank you for running an interesting site.

  2. When you enforce the rules, their mens are locked up, then there's "A disproportionate amount of blacks in prison" for the ACLU to file lawsuits about, and their families are still on Pub.Ass.
    Not sure that's a solution either.
    Maybe hangings as an example until the rest are able to see the folly of their ways.
    Works on politicians too.


  3. Hey Angus;

    The expectation was set despite segregation and the black nuclear family was the strongest family unit with a combination of family and religion. But the Johnson *War on Poverty* destroyed it and let the "freeloaders" and "Low expectations" take over the "black community." This ain't a race thing, it is a cultural thing, I see the same thing with all groups except Asians believe it or not, they have higher internal expectations because it is cultural.

  4. I worked with a black guy a couple years ago (I'm white), we got along famously, like even we remarked about being brothers from another mother....
    One day we were talking about all the stuff going on, and he admitted, a lot of black folks out there could see/saw what was happening, but, whatcanyoudo? If he says something, he's Jom Crow and ostracized... but he admitted, they know that their actions are going to bring about the very racism they claim exists.

  5. Are you asking me what to do about this problem of unsocialized, unsocializable blacks? You do realize I might take that as a direct challenge. And I think you know me well enough to know that my ingenuity in these matters is all but boundless.

    One thing that would help would be if the "entertainment media" (so-called) quit glamorizing antisocial and a-social behavior.


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

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If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.