17 May 2022

That Word You Keep Using...

Democrats keep saying that "democracy" is at risk when X happens.

Normally when a majority of people demand and get their way.

You know, when democracy happens to them.

Considering that the US was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic using democratic means to operate; but specifically rejected actual democracy during its creation...

Democracy IS the risk, not the risk of losing it.

I've been fond of saying, "words mean something," but I fear the truth is, "words meant something."

1 comment:

  1. Democrats right now are the biggest risk to the US remaining a "free country". They have talked for years like they are the defenders of the 1st Amendment... Oh, except that they've now pretty much outright declared war on white religious people and openly pander to vocal anti-semites, even electing them to Congress. So no freedom of religion... And I'm not even religious, but I'm assumed to be because I'm white and not liberal. And they are now openly speaking the words that Freedom Of Speech is reprehensible... used to be only that they demanded that only "politically correct" speech was protected... Now not so much that even... Not outright supporting every one of their precious protected groups makes you guilty of "hate speech". And their record on the rest of the Bill of Rights and Constitution is mostly even worse.

    So yeah... The real risk to democracy... is Democrats. Liars and hypocrites the lot of them. The party is now controlled by people who believe in things that would make Stalin or Mao blush to admit. The government that they want is a cross between the old Soviet system and the current Chinese "communist" government.

    Those were/are both ostensibly ruled by "democratically elected" representatives... not so much in reality.


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