24 May 2022

No Longer Cheap

Willard pointed out something profound yesterday.

Those cheap .32 revolvers my Grampa was counting on to defend his business from criminals who, thankfully, never materialized cannot be made cheaply today.

The skills, processes, and situation that allowed them to be made cheaply and in quantity simply no longer exist.

The cost of labor is up dramatically compared to the turn of the 19th to 20th century, when they were designed.

If you can't automate the process, you have to pay someone to do it and that's expensive if you can't offshore it.  Sometimes even if you can.

Some things are worth paying the labor, but cheap revolvers aren't one of those things.  Especially when there's no shortage of originals out there for less than $100.

1 comment:

  1. This leads to making something different as an alternative, like a Hi-Point, cheap materials lots of automation very little hand work and the end result is actually quite reliable.


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