26 May 2022

Not Going Well

A tanker group I'm a member of on Facebook posted pics of Russia moving up T-62M's to the Ukrainian border.

Here's an article about it.

This would be equivalent to the US sending M60A3 (TTS) tanks.

The M has been extensively upgraded, but it's still not their front line tank.

Most likely these tanks are replacing more modern examples in the units they're headed for and the modern tanks will be sent to replace losses.

That kind of undermines the narrative that Western anti-tank missiles aren't doing what they're made to do.

Things are not going well for Russia even if they are winning.

Pyrrhic is the word that keeps coming to mind.

This does not mean that Ukraine is winning, but their victory condition is different from Russia.  All they have to do to win is to keep existing as an independent nation to win.

But they have to do that until Russia decides to quit, and that's probably going to mean territorial loss, which is also a loss for Ukraine.


  1. saw that. i would add that a losing country's currency doesn't reach 7 year highs either. it confusing.

  2. A Soviet-born Israeli on one of my e-mail groups reports that he knows Russian-speaking Ukrainians who were pro-Russia---until this invasion. Now they're fierce Ukrainian patriots and their children will speak nowt but Ukrainian. Putin's really put his foot in the butter churn on this. Apparently reading about the Winter War made him think Stalin had some good ideas. "We have won just enough land to bury our dead."

  3. Rail-headed T-62s headed to Syria. The ministry of propaganda blew it up stating that Putin was raiding the boneyard.



    1. Thanks! The longer something is out, the better the facts get.

  4. Most welcome, anytime!

    There are several good telegram sites from folks operating in theatre that have a decent amount of information and intel, enough to be able to sift through and know what’s really going on. Given all the grand viziers of arty and great artificers of land-battle doctrine it’s not too difficult to realize whatever is written on certain sites is the exact opposite fas to what is really going on. Ukes are getting the crap beat out of them in a very slow and methodical maneuver element land battle. My best guesstimate is the Russians will push it all the way to the Dneiper River, eventually take Odessa and all the surrounding ports and make uke completely land-locked.

    The Russians are not making the same mistakes we did in Iraq and trashcanistan. They are taking their time to avoid civilian casualties at all costs. Once they clear and area of the uke nazis their support, sustainment, and rebuild elements are not far behind. They are hearts and minds far, far better than we could ever hope for.

    Take care and best to you and yours!



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