03 May 2022

Enough Foreplay

Look you woke fucks:

If you're going to keep saying you're going to start Civil War 2.0 and/or Revolution II every time you babies don't get your way...

Just get on with it so we can shoot twice and go home and never hear about you again because you're dead.

Otherwise shut your pie holes and vote.

But you're not going to start a revolution because you fucking know there's a dozen old men for each of you who's fed up with dealing with their heart meds and the side effects who are more than willing to shoot back once you start.

That's old men with nothing to live for and no worries about prison but still have the morals enough to not start it.


  1. Well said. I've read a lot of hyperbole recently, but you have summed it up nicely with that last sentence.

  2. I've commented that if I were even twenty years younger, I'd be saying "Bring it," if only to get the shooting part over with. And I think my side could school those woke bastards real well.


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