07 May 2022

Cement Shoes

 When the 80-1 long shot wins the Kentucky Derby, you know some loan sharks are gong to be sleeping with the fishes tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Read a novel, back in the late-'70s/early-'80s, where there was a big extortion scheme. Fella didn't ask for money, even though he needed a big payoff. He wanted a horse race fixed...

    First race. First horse. First race of the year at the Aqueduct racetrack. (Supposedly called the "one-on-one-on-one", and claimed to be a real moneymaker for the bookies, as people would drop some cash on it just for grins.)

    Paraphrased from the book: "Wait, they test the horses for drugs, how are we supposed to do this?" "They test the *winners*, not the losers. Figure it out or lose the building."

    The bookies (and OTB, I'm sure) took a ghastly loss, but the guy had spent a *long* time building a rep with many many bookies (using different names and appearances), laying small gimmick bets like that. And then one big one, for one race...

    Damned if I can remember the author or title, though. Vaguely want to say it was "Threat", but dear god trying to drill down through Google for *that* would be a day and a half.


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