26 May 2022


Just as the anti-gunners are quick to blame racist white gun owners for mass shootings...

Conservative media blames lax law enforcement.

Except that the majority of the criminals readily and handily passed a background check.

The entire core of the pro-gun objection to increased background checking is the futility of it.

Because a mass shooter is typically committing their last crime, as well as their last act, there's no deterrence in any after the fact punishment.  Not when they get to see their name in lights!

The failure to punish felons for unrelated crime has nothing to do with them.

But if we want to try something new, let's not give them the time of day after they shoot someplace up and murder innocents.

Hey, Media, you are the ones offering the incentive and reward for doing these heinous acts.

Asking you to shut up isn't an infringement of your 1st Amendment rights.  I'm asking you to not report on it, not forcing you with laws.

I know that a one time reporting of facts with a distant follow-up will prevent you from attempting to advance your hobby political goals, but hey, "if it saves even one life," right?

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. The fact that every one of these incidents is covered over and over for days and then brought up again the next time something happens is a lot of the reason these nutbags do it. They want to be infamous. They are usually people that otherwise would never do anything noteworthy. Part of the reason why there is perceived to be a big increase in these crimes is that there is a lot more media coverage of it. A lot of it is copy-cat-ism. Quit giving these whackadoodles what they want and they won't be as likely to do it.


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