25 May 2022

Time On Target

I get this message, "What are these guys on about?"

Apparently Filthie and a certain Greek Poet are in a pissing match about how successful or not Ukraine is against Russia.

I'm still of the opinion that it's a pity both sides can't lose, but every day the war lasts gives me new hope that they can!

But checking the link to Aesop actually hit on something I DO know something about.

Artillery.  The so-called "king of battle" to armor's queen.  (What happens in the tank stays in the tank).

The Ukranians have not invented a new strategy with dispersed batteries to evade counter fires.

The fucking French invented that.  As far back as World War One.

The French did not actually DO it.  The key is communications and they didn't have a good means of getting the proper coordination much farther than you could with yelling.

We Goddamned Yankees were the first to employ the idea in the field.  In World War Two.

The Germans intensely disliked it.

We'd spread the tubes all over the map and fire them individually in a timed manner that made the target appear as if they'd been fired all at once from the same place.  This is called "time on target" (the hit all at once, not the dispersing; the Brits figured out ToT).  We even cheated and tossed some mortar fire in with the howitzers.

Should the Germans have figured out where the rounds were coming from, they didn't figure out where ALL of the rounds were coming from.  Let alone kill more than a tube or two.

And just to put it out there, in case the Ukranians get credited for inventing it, our redlegs also developed shoot and scoot doctrines where the tube is moving before the round gets to the top of its arc AND single-tube time on target.

And we did it all with normal radios, paper maps, and analog gear.

GPS and computers makes it easy.


  1. I follow Glen as well. Not sure that I care who wins as well. You have an understanding of artillery which makes sense to me. Thanks for your input.

    1. To be clear, I think it's a pity that neither Ukraine and Russia cannot both lose.

      I'm only commenting tangentially about the Glen/Aesop spat about something Aesop was talking about as if the Ukrainians had developed it from scratch.

    2. What did the Ukraine do to earn your displeasure?

    3. It's a kleptocracy and in bed with the Bidens.

  2. It's why the Russian artillery was basically removed from battle within the first month. Because they didn't move.

    American artillery was and is so successful because we invented "shoot and scoot" firing using mobile artillery. Yes, others had mobile artillery, but we were first with shoot and scoot.

    Eastern European artillery has always been Mass Attack and more Mass Attack.

  3. I dont know if it has been fielded yet but in 2018 was chaperoning interested partied to observe live fire demo of a 105 mounted on the HMMWV. very sophisticated GPS and computer targeting, from arrival to sighting, positioning firing 3 rounds and departing was less than 3 minutes and damned accurate. Hope the USMC and Army decide to use it, can cause no end of mayhem by moving about a lot making it look like a much larger force.

  4. Bread and circuses???
    While his wit and razor tongue are a pleasure to watch work, I fear the mad greek is a victim of western propaganda. If the Ukies were winning, they wouldn't be losing territory!
    Whats truly sad, is their 'spat' provides the circus. Facilitating the machine that supressed him with the rona mandates... would have thought higher of skilled medical person, but what do I know? Lament, woe is me, my employer is toeing the mandate line. I shall fight them by continuing to render my services until removed from campus! That'll teach 'em!


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